A knowledge graph is a formal representation of
knowledge, where entities are represented as nodes, and the
relationships between them are represented as edges. These relationships
are often imbued with semantic meaning, drawn from controlled vocabularies, taxonomies, or
allowing for rich, contextual understanding of the data.
Data Integration Perspective
A knowledge graph is a framework for integrating
heterogeneous, distributed, and complex data into a unified,
easy-to-understand visual structure. It creates a single ‘source of truth’ where
relationships and connections
between disparate data points can be analyzed and exploited.
Machine Learning Perspective
A knowledge graph is a structured and interconnected data repository
that can be used to enhance machine learning
algorithms. It provides contextual and relational data that improve algorithmic
accuracy and prediction
capability, particularly in tasks like recommendation systems or
natural language understanding.
Business Intelligence
A knowledge graph is a tool for turning data into actionable insights. It
structures and connects data
in ways that align with business objectives,
thereby supporting decision-making, predictive analytics, and
operational efficiency.
User Interface Perspective
A knowledge graph is a means of presenting complex data in a visually intuitive and
interactive way, making it
easier for users to navigate, explore, and derive insights from large
data sets.
What is reasoning?
Inductive reasoning
“If it has wheels, doors,
seats, windows, engine, it must be a car.”
“All cars are vehicles. My
Lada™ is a car. Therefore, my Lada™ is a vehicle.”
Abductive reasoning
“My car is not in my garage and
my wife is at home. It may have been stolen!”
In this course, we mainly focus on deductive reasoning!
What is an ontology?
Domain of discourse of a particular domain
Structured representation
(with symbols)
Concepts, categories, properties, and
Shared understanding, facilitate interoperability,
and support reasoning
Based on logical formalisms, e.g., Description Logics (DL), RDFS,
TBox (schema, ontology,
SuccessfulAuthor ⊑ ≥1 notableWork.Bestseller
ABox (instances, facts,
RBox (restrictions,
notableWork ⊑ created
Databases and Data
Notable work
Date of birth
Stan Lee
Iron Man
Bob Kane
Cells - classes, instances
Column headers
Building KGs from texts
Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical
physicist who developed the theory of
Named Entity Recognition
Coco, studying at Sorbonne, designs for Chanel in Paris,
France, dreaming of
the Champs-Élysées. Meanwhile, Paris of
Troy admires
Paris, Texas’s own
Eiffel Tower, and a couple explores cobblestoned Paris,
inspired by Paris
Relation Linking
Name all the movies in which Robert Downey Jr acted?
Abbreviated IRIs (declare prefixes at the beginning
of the file):
# This is a comment
@prefix ex: . # end dot!
PREFIX rel: # alternative notation (no dot!)
ex:this rel:in ex:box . # dot ends statement
The Turtle syntax (2)
# Literals:
ex:this rel:date "2019-09-13"^^xsd:date . # normal literal
ex:this rel:name "this"@en . # language-tagged literal
ex:this rel:code "TX32" . # xsd:string can be omitted
ex:this rel:number 42 . # xsd:integer (no quotes)
ex:this rel:sizeInMeters 3.75 . # xsd:decimal (use a dot)
ex:this rel:isGood true . # xsd:boolean
ex:this rel:isBorring false . # xsd:boolean
# Blanknodes:
[] rel:in ex:box .
_:b1 rel:in ex:box . # a blank node identifier...
ex:me rel:likes _:b1 . # ...allows to reuse the same blank node
The Turtle syntax (3)
# Repeat the same subject and predicate:
ex:box rel:contains ex:this .
ex:box rel:contains ex:that .
# can be written
ex:box rel:contains ex:this, ex:that . # comma
# Repeat subject:
ex:this rel:date "2019-09-13"^^xsd:date;
rel:name "this"@en; # new lines are optional
rel:code "TX32";
rel:nextTo ex:that, ex:thoot, ex:thus .
The Turtle syntax (4)
# More on blank nodes:
# assume prefixes are declared
ex:johnDoe rel:worksFor [
a ex:University; # the IRI rdf:type can be replaced by 'a'
rel:name "Berkley";
rel:locatedIn ex:California
] .
# is the same as:
ex:johnDoe rel:worksFor _:bnode .
_:bnode rdf:type ex:University . # 'a' and 'rdf:type' represents the same IRI
_:bnode rel:name "Berkley" .
_:bnode rel:locatedIn ex:California .
The Turtle syntax (5)
#Declaring a base IRI:
@base <http://example.com/base/> . # ends with dot
BASE <http://example.com/base/> # alternative syntax (no dot!)
# prefixes must be declared
<bob> a vocab:Person; # relative IRI
rel:knows <claire> .
BASE <http://example.com/base2#> # base can be redefined
<bob> rel:knows <http://example.com/base/bob> . # different bobs
# is the same as:
<http://example.com/base/bob> a vocab:Person;
rel:knows <http://example.com/base/claire> .
rel:knows <http://example.com/base/bob> .
RDFS (RDF Schema)
RDFS is a semantic extension of RDF, and it
provides a way to describe semantic
relationships between things and provides a basic type system for RDF
Basic Components
Resources: Anything can be a resource such
as a person, a car, a website, etc.
They are used to categorize resources.
Properties: They describe the relationship
between resources.
Literals: They are basic values such as
strings, numbers, etc.
Classes and Subclasses
In RDFS, we can define a class using the rdfs:Class. The
rdfs:subClassOf property is used to represent inheritance
between classes.
ex:Person a rdfs:Class .
ex:Student a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf ex:Person .
RDFS includes the ability to describe
properties (also called predicates), which are the named
relations that link resources together:
rdf:Property: The class of all RDF
rdfs:domain: The class of the
subject in a triple.
In RDFS, it is possible to add human-readable
labels and comments to resources. This makes the RDF document
easier to understand for individuals reviewing the data. It can be
particularly helpful for understanding the semantics of an RDF document
without needing to look up the definitions of resources and properties
in the schema.
rdfs:label: Provides a
human-readable version of a resource’s name.
rdfs:comment: Gives a brief
description of a resource.
ex:Person a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:label "Person";
rdfs:comment "Represents a person" .
ex:Student a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf ex:Person;
rdfs:label "Student";
rdfs:comment "Represents a student, which is a type of person" .
In the above example, rdfs:label and
rdfs:comment are used to provide a human-readable name and
description for the ex:Person and ex:Student
RDFS Limitations
It doesn’t allow the description
of properties of properties (i.e., it cannot say that a property
is transitive, symmetric, etc.).
It doesn’t allow the definition of constraints (i.e., it cannot
limit the number of
instances of a class, cannot enforce a property to have a single value,
It doesn’t support logical
operators to combine classes (i.e., it cannot create a new class
as a union, intersection, or complement of other classes).
OWL (Web Ontology Language)
OWL is a more expressive language than RDFS
and is used to create ontologies. An ontology
is a specification of a conceptualization, or a way of representing
Overview of OWL
OWL provides more complex classes and
relationships than RDFS, including:
transitivity, and inverses for properties: for example, if A is
a brother of B, then B is a brother of A.
classes: that is, classes that have a specific, predefined list
of members.
combinations of classes: intersections (AND), unions (OR), and
complements (NOT) of classes.
restrictions: for example, stating that each instance of a
certain class must be related to exactly two instances of another
OWL 2 Profiles
OWL 2, the most recent version of the Web Ontology Language includes
three profiles designed to meet different use case
requirements and computational
This profile is designed for applications that require very large ontologies. The
expressivity of the
language is restricted to ensure that all
reasoning tasks can be performed in polynomial time. This profile is
especially relevant in fields like bioinformatics where ontologies can
contain millions of classes.
This profile is optimized for query
answering over large datasets. It is mainly intended for
applications that use data repositories managed through relational
database systems. OWL 2 QL is a tractable language with a lower
computational complexity, ensuring queries can be answered efficiently
even when dealing with voluminous data.
This profile is aimed at rule-based
reasoning. The expressivity of the language is reduced to enable
implementation of reasoners using rule-based technologies. It is
designed for scalable reasoning while maintaining an acceptable level of
OWL Classes and Properties
OWL builds upon RDFS by adding additional class and property
ex:Parent a owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf [
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty ex:hasChild ;
owl:someValuesFrom ex:Person
] .
Equivalent Classes and
OWL allows for specifying that two classes or properties are equivalent.
owl:equivalentClass: The classes
have the same instances.
owl:equivalentProperty: The
properties relate the same pairs of instances.
ex:Mother a owl:Class ;
owl:equivalentClass [
a owl:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf ex:Parent ;
rdfs:subClassOf [
a owl:Restriction ;
owl:onProperty ex:gender ;
owl:hasValue ex:Female
] .
Disjoint Classes
In OWL, the owl:disjointWith property allows to specify
that two classes have no instances in
ex:Male a owl:Class .
ex:Female a owl:Class .
ex:Male owl:disjointWith ex:Female .
In the above example, the classes ex:Male and
ex:Female are specified as being disjoint, meaning an
individual cannot be an instance of both these classes.
OWL Individual
OWL individuals represent the instances of the
class. OWL individuals can have properties associated with
owl:sameAs is used to declare that two URI references
actually refer to the same thing. If you state
that A owl:sameAs B, you’re stating that any property that
A has, B also has, and vice versa.
ex:JohnDoe owl:sameAs ex:JohnathanDoe .
In this example, ex:JohnDoe and
ex:JohnathanDoe are considered to be the same
Property Characteristics
OWL allows for the specification of certain characteristics of properties.
This specifies that a property is functional, meaning that for a
given subject, there can only be one unique
value of this property. For example, a person has exactly one
biological mother.
This specifies that a property is inverse-functional, meaning that
for a given value, there can only be one unique
subject of this property. For example, a biological mother can
have many children, but each child has exactly one biological
This specifies that a property is transitive, meaning that if A is related to B, and B is
related to C, then A is
related to C. An example would be the property “ancestorOf”.
Negative Assertions
OWL 2 introduces the possibility of stating negative information.
This is done through the owl:NegativePropertyAssertion
In the above example, the statement asserts that John does not have
Mary as a sibling.
RDFS and OWL Conclusion
In conclusion, RDFS and OWL are critical components in creating and maintaining the
Semantic Web. RDFS
provides a basic way to create a vocabulary
for describing resources and their relationships. OWL takes it a step
further, allowing for a more expressive and
detailed way to describe resources and the relationships between
SPARQL basics
The syntax looks similar to SQL
The features are similar to SQL
A family of standards:
SELECT queries
Reasoning at query
Standards for managing
RDF data in general
SQL and SQL DBMS are to the relational data model
what SPARQL and its standards are to the RDF data model
Variable: an element of a
set disjoint from IRIs, literals and blank nodes
Basic graph pattern: an
RDF graph where subject,predicate or object can be replaced by a variable
An answer to a SELECT
query is a mapping from variables in the query to IRIs union literals
union blank nodes in the queried graph
TODO: put example of graph pattern with their respective query and
SPARQL example
#Ex. 1
#Associate URIs with prefixes
PREFIX space: <http://purl.org/net/schemas/space/>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
#Example of a SELECT query, retrieving 2 variables
#Variables selected MUST be bound in graph pattern
SELECT ?subject ?label
#This is our graph pattern
?subject rdfs:label ?label;
rdf:type space:Discipline .
SPARQL example
#Ex. 2
PREFIX space: <http://purl.org/net/schemas/space/>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
#Example of a SELECT query, retrieving all variables
?subject rdfs:label ?label;
rdf:type space:Discipline .
OPTIONAL bindings
How do we allow for missing or unknown information?
#Ex. 3
PREFIX space: <http://purl.org/net/schemas/space/>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
SELECT ?name ?country
#This pattern must be bound
?thing rdfs:label ?name .
#Anything in this block doesn't have to be bound
?thing space:country ?country .
UNION queries
How do we allow for alternatives or variations in the graph?
How do we apply a sort order to the results and restrict the number
of results returned?
#Ex. 5
#Select the uri and the mass of the 11-20th most heaviest spacecraft
PREFIX space: <http://purl.org/net/schemas/space/>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
SELECT ?spacecraft ?mass
?spacecraft space:mass ?mass .
#Use an ORDER BY clause to apply a sort. Can be ASC or DESC
#Limit to ten results
#Apply an offset to get next "page"
How do we restrict results based on aspects of the data rather than
the graph, e.g., string matching?
#Sample data for Sputnik launch
<http://purl.org/net/schemas/space/launch/1957-001> rdf:type space:Launch;
#Assign a datatype to the literal, to indicate it is a date
space:launched "1957-10-04"^^xsd:date;
How do we restrict results based on aspects of the data rather than
the graph, e.g., string matching?
#Ex. 6
#Select name of spacecraft launched between 1st Jan 1969 and 1st Jan 1970
PREFIX space: <http://purl.org/net/schemas/space/>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
SELECT ?name
?launch space:launched ?date;
space:spacecraft ?spacecraft .
?spacecraft foaf:name ?name .
FILTER (?date > "1969-01-01"^^xsd:date &&
?date < "1970-01-01"^^xsd:date)
How do we restrict results based on aspects of the data rather than
the graph, e.g., string matching?
#Ex. 7
#Select spacecraft with a mass of less than 90kg
PREFIX space: <http://purl.org/net/schemas/space/>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
SELECT ?spacecraft ?name
?spacecraft foaf:name ?name;
space:mass ?mass .
#Note that we have to cast the data to the right type
#As it is not declared in the data
FILTER( xsd:double(?mass) < 90.0 )
How do we restrict results based on aspects of the data rather than
the graph, e.g., string matching?
#Ex. 8
#Select spacecraft with a name like “ollo”
PREFIX space: <http://purl.org/net/schemas/space/>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
SELECT ?name
?spacecraft foaf:name ?name .
FILTER( regex(?name, "ollo", "i" ) )
Built-In Filters
Logical: !, &&,
Math: +, -,
*, /
Comparison: =, !=,
>, <, …
SPARQL tests: isURI,
isBlank, isLiteral, bound
SPARQL accessors: str,
lang, datatype
Other: sameTerm,
langMatches, regex
How do we remove duplicate results?
#Ex. 9
#Select spacecraft with a mass of less than 90kg
PREFIX space: <http://purl.org/net/schemas/space/>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
?spacecraft space:agency ?agency .
Extended Query
Language Power (SPARQL 1.1)
Negation and filtering
Property paths
Introducing new variables
Basic federated query
Graph Patterns inside FILTERs
COUNT(*) and COUNT(expr)
Aggregates (cont.)
All are allowed with and without DISTINCT across the arguments.
Grouping of results is optionally done with GROUP BY otherwise
the entire result set is 1 group
(like SQL). This may bind a variable too.
HAVING executes a filter
expression over the results of an aggregation (like SQL)
SPARQL 1.1 allows sub-SELECTs
#Ex. 10
PREFIX : <http://people.example/>
SELECT ?y ?minName
:alice :knows ?y .
SELECT ?y (MIN(?name) AS ?minName)
?y :name ?name .
Negation and Filtering
3 new ways to negate / exclusion:
OPTIONAL { graph-pattern
} (1.0)
FILTER … !expr (1.0)
graph-pattern } (1.1)
Aggregation using HAVING
with either of the above (1.1)
graph-pattern MINUS
graph-pattern (1.1)
(Some of these can be done with complex UNION and OPTIONAL
Property path
This changes the fundamental SPARQL matching
From: Triple pattern matches a
triple to bind variables.
To: Triples with property paths
regex-like match multiple triples to bind variables.
Depending on the data,
the query engine could do a simple match or do a lot of searching for matches.
New syntax to select different properties from a
subject node:
a/b ^a a|b a* a+ a? a{m,n} a{n} a{m,} a{,n}
where a and b are property IRIs.
Basic Federated Queries
A graph pattern that invokes a SPARQL
protocol call and remote query returning the usual result formats
Allows querying multiple SPARQL
databases in one query
#Ex. 11
SELECT ?person
?person knows ?x
SERVICE <http://social-db.com/sparql/> {
?x foaf:name ?name;
ex:birthdate ?b .
More functions and operators
Introducing new variables
RDF graph database management:
INSERT triples / graphs
DELETED triples / graphs
In Files
Turtle: a compact,
human-friendly format.
N-Triples: a very simple, easy-to-parse, line-based format that
is not as
compact as Turtle.
TriG: an extension of Turtle to datasets.
N-Quads: a superset of N-Triples, for serializing
multiple RDF graphs.
RDF/XML: the first
standard format for serializing RDF.
RDF/JSON: an alternative syntax for expressing RDF
triples using a simple JSON notation.
Embedded Annotations
Embedded annotations refer to the process of integrating structured data into web
pages. This
integration is crucial for web crawlers or other machines to understand
the content of the web page and its context better.
Schema.org is a collaborative effort,
founded by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Yandex, aiming to create,
maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet. It
provides a collection of shared vocabularies
webmasters can use to mark up their pages in ways that can be understood
by the major search engines.
It is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard to encode Linked Data using JSON
using VDS.RDF;
var g = new Graph();
var dotNetRDF = g.CreateUriNode(
g.Assert(new Triple(
RDF example
using VDS.RDF.Query;
SparqlQueryParser parser = new SparqlQueryParser();
SparqlQuery query = parser.ParseFromString(
@"SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object
WHERE { ?subject ?predicate ?object . }");
SparqlResultSet resultSet = endpoint.QueryWithResultSet(query);
foreach (SparqlResult result in resultSet)
var $rdf = require('rdflib');
var store = $rdf.graph();
var person = $rdf.sym('http://example.org/people/JohnSmith');
var name = $rdf.sym('http://schema.org/name');
store.add(person, name, 'John Smith', person.doc());
RDF example
var $rdf = require('rdflib');
var store = $rdf.graph();
store.parse(`your RDF data here`, "text/turtle", 'http://example.org/');
var query = $rdf.SPARQLToQuery(
`SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object
WHERE { ?subject ?predicate ?object . }`, false, store);
store.query(query, function(result) {
result['?predicate'].value, result['?object'].value);
Triples: In RDF-star,
triples consist of a subject, a predicate, and an object, where the
subject and the object can be either an IRI, a literal, a blank node, or
another triple.
Application of RDF-star
To represent metadata
about statements
The source of a statement
The time the statement was made
The level of confidence in the statement
More precise and nuanced
knowledge representation
SPARQL-star Basics
Extension of SPARQL
Supports RDF-star data
Soon a W3C standard
SPARQL-star: A Quick Comparison
SELECT ?object
ex:Alice ex:knows ?object .
Variables: placeholders used to capture and return
parts of the data, including nested
Triple Patterns
Shapes Constraint Language
W3C standard
Validation of RDF
Users can describe and enforce constraints on RDF
Ensure data quality and consistency
Why is SHACL Useful?
Data Quality Assurance: ensure
data integrity
Schema Documentation:
self-documentation (implicitly define the schema of the RDF graph)
Form Generation: generation of
forms in a UI
Data Integration: validation of
the results of data integration processes
Basic Concepts
SHACL describes the shape of an RDF graph
through a set of constraints. Each constraint
is associated with a SHACL shape, and each shape is associated with
one or more target nodes.
SHACL Shapes
A SHACL shape is a collection of conditions that
the data must satisfy.
the type of data that a property can have
the number of values a property can have
the format of a string (regex)
Target Nodes
Target nodes are the RDF nodes that a shape
applies to.
node type
property value
explicit declaration
SHACL example
@prefix ex: <http://example.org/> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
# The following will pass
ex:John a ex:Person ;
ex:age 30 ;
ex:email "john@example.com"^^xsd:string .
# The following will fail
ex:Bob a ex:Person ;
ex:age 17 .
# The following will fail
ex:Alice a ex:Person ;
ex:age 21 ;
ex:email "sdffsd"^^xsd:string .
a technique used to
represent the entities and relations in a knowledge
graph as vectors in a continuous vector space
translate the high-dimensional, sparse, and often
symbolic information in a knowledge graph ⇒ a low-dimensional, dense, and
space where semantic relationships are
Common features
Vector Space Representation
Learning from Triples
Distance or Similarity Measure
Predictive Modeling
Optimization Problem
Unsupervised Learning
Why KG embeddings?
Link Prediction
Entity Resolution
Entity Classification
Recommendation Systems
Question Answering Systems
Drug Discovery
Knowledge Graph Embedding
How it works: Represents
relationships as translations in the embedding space.
Pros: Simple, efficient,
effectively captures semantic relationships between entities.
Cons: Struggles with modeling
1-to-N, N-to-1, and N-to-N relationships, assumes relations are
RDF (Resource Description Framework), RDFS (RDF Schema), and OWL (Web
Ontology Language) are the foundational technologies that enable us to
define and structure our data in a way that is
both human-readable and machine-interpretable, creating
rich, interconnected
webs of data.
SPARQL is a powerful query language for
RDF. SPARQL allows us to interrogate our data, ask complex
questions, and extract valuable insights.
KG Storage
A great number of storage solutions for our Knowledge Graphs.
Understanding different approaches to KG storage is crucial for ensuring
the performance, scalability, and long-term maintainability of our
RDF-star and SHACL
RDF-star is an extension of RDF that allows for more complex statements about other
SHACL (Shapes Constraint Language), a language for validating RDF graphs against a set of
These technologies provide us with even more expressivity and
reliability in our data handling.
In the R2RML and RML section, we learnt how to map
our existing relational databases to RDF using R2RML (RDB to RDF
Mapping Language), and how to transform various data
formats (CSV, JSON, XML, etc.) into RDF using RML (RDF Mapping
KG Embeddings
KG Embeddings allow us to represent nodes and
relationships from our Knowledge Graph in a numerical, dense
vector space. This is a powerful technique for applying machine learning
methods to our KG, opening up possibilities for tasks like link
prediction, entity resolution, and recommendation systems.
Not seen
Ontology Design and Engineering
Data Integration and Interlinking
KG Visualization
Privacy and Ethics in KGs
Additional resources
This course is largely based on the following resources: